How to Reupholster a Chair Seat: A Comprehensive Guide

How to Reupholster a Chair Seat

Reupholstering a chair seat is a fantastic way to breathe new life into your furniture, giving it a fresh and updated look. Whether you’re a DIY enthusiast or a beginner, this guide will walk you through the process in which you learn how to reupholster a chair seat, ensuring you have all the information you need to complete the project successfully.

The Benefits of Reupholstering

Reupholstering allows you to preserve a well-loved piece of furniture and extend its life. It’s an excellent way to keep a piece that has sentimental value or a unique style that you can’t find in new furniture. Moreover, it’s an eco-friendly option as it reduces waste. Lastly, it gives you the freedom to choose your own fabric and design, allowing you to create a piece that truly reflects your personal style.

What You’ll Need

Before you start, gather all the necessary tools and materials. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Upholstered chair
  • Fabric (1/2 yard per seat cushion)
  • Batting (1/2 yard per seat cushion)
  • 2-inch foam
  • Fabric pencil or chalk
  • Scissors
  • Tape measure
  • Staple gun
  • Staples
  • Screwdriver
  • Utility knife

Having the right tools and materials on hand will make the process smoother and more efficient. It’s also important to choose a fabric that is durable and suitable for upholstery. Consider the chair’s use and choose a fabric that can withstand wear and tear.

Tll the tools and materials needed for reupholstering a chair seat.

Step-by-Step Guide How to Reupholster a Chair Seat

Step 1: Remove the Seat Cushion

Start by taking out the seat cushion from the chair frame. You can do this using a screwdriver. Be sure to keep the screws in a safe place, as you’ll need them to reattach the seat later. This is also a good time to inspect the chair frame for any damage or necessary repairs.

Showing the first step of the process - removing the seat cushion from the chair frame for reupholstering

Step 2: Remove the Old Fabric

Next, remove the old fabric from the seat cushion. You can do this using a staple remover. Be careful not to damage the foam or batting underneath. If the old fabric is in good condition, you can use it as a template for cutting your new fabric.

The old fabric being removed from the seat cushion.

Step 3: Cut New Foam

Using the seat cushion as a template, trace a fresh piece of foam with a temporary fabric pen. Then, cut out the foam with a utility knife. This new foam will provide a fresh and comfortable base for your new fabric.

The foam being cut to the correct size using the seat cushion as a template

Step 4: Cut New Fabric

Next, trace the line three inches away from the seat and cut out the fabric using a temporary fabric pen and scissors. This will ensure you have enough fabric to cover the seat cushion and staple it in place. Remember to account for the pattern direction if your fabric has a design.

Cutting the New Fabric: An image showing the fabric being cut to the correct size using the seat cushion as a template.

Step 5: Cut and Attach Batting

Cut a piece of batting the same size as your fabric. Place the batting on the foam, then place the fabric on top of the batting. Make sure the fabric is centered and smooth. The batting adds an extra layer of cushioning and helps to smooth out the shape of the foam.

 the batting to the correct size using scissors.

Step 6: Attach Fabric to the Seat

Starting at the top edge, staple the fabric to the seat cushion, pulling it tight before stapling each side. This will help to ensure the fabric is secure and wrinkle-free. Remember to pull the fabric taut but not too tight, as it can distort the pattern or cause the fabric to tear.

Attaching the Fabric: An image showing the fabric being attached to the seat cushion with a staple gun.

Step 7: Complete the Corners

The corners can be a bit tricky. Arrange the remaining fabric into small, even pleats and staple it down. This will give your seat cushion a professional and finished look. The key to a neat corner is to eliminate as much bulk as possible. You might need to adjust and re-staple a few times until you’re satisfied with the result.

 the fabric at the corners of the seat cushion.

Step 8: Reattach the Seat Cushion to Chair Frame

Once you’ve attached the fabric to the seat cushion, it’s time to reattach the seat to the chair frame. Use the original hardware to secure the seat in place. Make sure the seat is firmly attached to the chair frame to ensure safety and stability.

 the reupholstered seat cushion being reattached to the chair frame.

Step 9: Place the Chair in the Dining Room

Now that the chair seat is reupholstered, it’s time to place the chair in the dining room or wherever it will be used.

 the newly reupholstered chair placed elegantly in a dining room setting

Post-Reupholstering Tips

After you’ve successfully reupholstered your chair seat, there are a few additional steps you can take to ensure your newly upholstered chair stays looking great for years to come.

  • Protect the Fabric: Consider using a fabric protector spray to help your fabric resist stains and spills. This is especially useful if your chair will be used frequently or if you’ve chosen a light-colored fabric.
  • Regular Cleaning: Regularly vacuum your upholstered chair to remove dust and dirt. If the fabric is removable and washable, consider washing it occasionally to keep it fresh.
  • Avoid Sunlight: Direct sunlight can cause your fabric to fade over time. If possible, position your chair away from direct sunlight or use window treatments to protect your fabric.


  • Is it cheaper to reupholster or buy a new chair? 

    It can often be cheaper to reupholster a chair, especially if the chair has a sturdy frame. Plus, reupholstering allows you to choose your own fabric, giving you more control over the final look of the chair.

  • How do I figure out how much fabric I need to reupholster my chairs? 

    A: As a general rule, one yard of fabric can typically reupholster two standard dining chairs. However, it’s always a good idea to measure the surface area of your current fabric and add 1-2 inches for seams/fraying.

  • Can a beginner reupholster a chair? 

    Absolutely! With the right tools, materials, and a bit of patience, even a beginner can successfully reupholster a chair. This guide provides a step-by-step process that is easy to follow, making it a great project for beginners.

  • How do you reupholster a wooden chair seat? 

    The process is similar to reupholstering any chair seat. You’ll need to remove the old fabric, cut and attach new foam and batting, cut and attach new fabric, and then reattach the seat to the chair frame.

  • How long does it take to reupholster a chair seat?

    The time it takes to reupholster a chair seat depends on the complexity of the chair and the skill level of the person doing the job. Typically, the process can take a few hours to a full day.

  • Can any type of fabric be used for reupholstering?

    Not all fabrics are suitable for reupholstering. Choose a durable and appropriate fabric for the chair’s intended use.

  • Do I need to have any experience in reupholstering a chair?

    While some experience with sewing and upholstery can be helpful, it’s unnecessary. Follow the steps outlined in this article and take your time to ensure a successful outcome.

  • How much does it cost to reupholster a chair?

    The cost of reupholstering a chair can vary depending on the type of chair, the fabric chosen, and whether any repairs or replacement parts are needed. It can cost anywhere from $50 to $500 or more.

  • Can I reupholster a dining chair seat?

    Yes, you can reupholster a dining chair seat using the same process outlined in this article.

  • How often should I reupholster a chair seat?

    The frequency of reupholstering a chair seat depends on the amount of use the chair receives and the quality of the materials used. A well-made reupholstered chair seat can last for many years.


Reupholstering a chair seat is a rewarding and cost-effective way to update your furniture. Not only does it allow you to put your personal touch on your decor, but it also extends the life of your furniture, making it a sustainable choice. So why not give it a try? With this guide, you have all the information you need to reupholster a chair seat successfully.

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